Carl's Weaving

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This is an easy way for me to share my current work and events as I create interesting new activites.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I started on the atturahs and corners

I started today on weaving the atturahs for the tallasim that will be part of the chuppah. The under or base of the atturah is black with silver shine. The stripes are a blend of the two colors used on each of the tallasim. A blend of the materials used. This integration of the two colors used of the two separate tallasim provides an integration.

This also provided an opportunity for me to use the double background and second bar on my loom. The second picture is that of the back of the loom with both materials being integrated.

It isn't very often that I get to setup my loom with multiple materials.
It is nice to see it in use.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ventura Art Walk 2010

What a great day! We went out to the Ventura Art Walk 2010. It was really nice and the fiber art show at the museum was great. This picture of two pieces on one wall were really nice. I love both of these pieces even though the top one is crisp color connections and the lower piece which is all black and white. It is rather amazing how much art can be done in either simple black and white or complex color.
The whole day was really great! I also ran into a lot of people I know. I ran in to a teacher form Lang Ranch. I ran into artists from SCIART. It was really a great afternoon. In any case, I encourage people to find the time to go to Ventura and enjoy the existing show at the museum. If not, then don't miss the fiber art show in Old Town Camarillo. The SCIART gallery fiber art show is definitely worth not missing!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Made it through tax day!

Phew! I made it through tax day. Now I am working like crazy to get the Chuppah done. I put two items out for sale in the gallery as they started a fiber artist program. The things out there are really interesting and very beautiful. I am really impressed with one piece that is done entirely out of stone and clicks. It is really impressive. I can see some other ways to go. Also, I was really impressed with Michael's beautiful indigo dyed wool. He really has a a great deal of understanding about how to dye wool. Anyway, I am currently working on the banner for the chuppah. I'll put pictures out once I finally finish it. That will take a week or more.
This weekend we hope to get to the Ventura Art Walk. I'll add pictures once we have gone.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

School break 2010!

Here it is Sunday and the spring break is about to start. I am so looking forward to having a whole week to work on the chuppah which is my next big plan. Thursday and Friday I had time to spend some effort on setting up my loom for weaving one of the two tallasim that are needed for the chuppah. I am planning to start on the boys tallis first. Then I will weave the girls tallis based in part on the fact that she is a woman and needs a tallis that is a little less wide than his. Once the basic tallasim are done, I will work on their corners and the atturahs. His will be blue with some of her red. In areas there is a blend of red and blue to produce a beautiful purple. This picture presents the base colored silk for his tallis.
Her colors are red, burgundy and some blue. The represent their two previous colors. His is blue and hers in burgundy and red.
Her tallis will be mostly red and burgundy. His will be mostly Blue. Their corners and atturahs will be blended of both of there colors. Also, the entrance to the chuppah will have the statement "Ani l'dodi v'dodi Li." The banner will be woven in white with the lettering blended in the colors that they have chosen, blue, burgundy and red.
Since I am currently setting up the first tallis, I don't have any pictures to put up right now. As soon as I start weaving tomorrow, I'll start adding pictures to the Blog.