Carl's Weaving

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This is an easy way for me to share my current work and events as I create interesting new activites.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Shiny Black Evening Jacket.

You have to see this in the evening! I made a black evening jacket with a shiny silver fine thread in the black. It sparkles out beautifully and makes a great evening jacket. Given the cool evenings here in Southern California, this it he perfect thing to wear. It is unfortunately that the colors don't show as well as they could. The picture was taken in the studio with much to much sun shining into the room.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog Uncle Carl! I just read your wedding updates! Wasn't it fun? But it went by so fast! You were great at frisbee!
    We love you and we thank you so much so much so much for the chuppah/tallisim. Can't wait to see you soon,
    Orion (and Anna)
