Carl's Weaving

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This is an easy way for me to share my current work and events as I create interesting new activites.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I think everything is now there!!!

Boy does it need clean up and organization!!! As you can tell, I have moved everything into my space but I have not taken the time needed to organize all the things I brought. The looms, work space, spools of fiber and more are now in my studio room. The two small pictures are additional views of the space. The problem I have right now is that of organizing everything.

I have started working on using the big loom to make sure that I put it together correctly and to make sure that it still operates correctly. I am making some simple towels.
Once this simple work is done, I will go to work on all the other things that I need to accomplish soon. I have a number of ordered items that I need to spend my time. I also need to go to work organizing everything. Going through the piles and ordering things so that I can use this stuff officially!
The pictures are views of the way things looked at the end of the day. It looks to me like I still need a few things. As I figure out these things, I'll buy and add them to the space.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! It looks so sparse right now. Can't wait to see how it changes after you've been in there awhile. Looking forward to seeing your new digs.
