Carl's Weaving

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This is an easy way for me to share my current work and events as I create interesting new activites.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hear go the jeans!

I have been saving my blue jeans and waiting for an opportunity to try doing something with them. Here I am! As you can see, I have been cutting the jeans into strips of big threads. I am planning to turn all these strips of thread into something interesting.

Here they are, four blue jeans stripped into nice threads that can be used to develop cloth that I can use to produce some clothing items. Right now, I am a little uncertain about how the cloth will look and how it will work when I start sewing it together into a jacket or skirt.

Well, I started weaving. The material is producing an interesting material. I can't wait to see how much I can produce! At least I have started weaving. It is interesting to see how it comes out.

I will keep you in touch now that I am weaving. As I make more of this material I'll take a few more pictures.

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